The COOLEST Games Ever Made
| Toss Spades™ is played much like any Spade game. Two to eight people may play as individuals or teams. First, decide how many players there will be. Then, if you have two to eight players, just add or subtract suits and cards as you choose. With most card games there are 13 or more cards per player. You may wish to have more suits than players to keep the average of "tricks per player" higher. With Toss you have all the controls. With the Toss deck "You Make The Rules!" | Some of the great characters you will meet in a Toss deck! | The Deck This Deluxe Double deck card set contains eight suits . Clubs and spades are black, hearts and diamonds are red, crosses and oracles (angels) are gold, castles and shields are blue. Cards in suit (13); A , K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, & 2. Jokers are the boss joker and four regular jokers; black, gold, red, and blue.
The boss joker is the highest card of all. The black joker is the highest card of clubs or spades. The red joker is the highest card of hearts or diamonds. The gold joker is the highest card of the gold suits and the blue joker for the blur suits. These jokers play "Wild" only on their respective colors. Null cards are included and may be used in play with any suit. Null cards may or may not be used in play or to even out hands depending on the number of players. 5 Player Toss Spades™ In a five player game; each player tries to win the bid in order to get more points. Six of the eight suits are used. Sixteen cards per hand and a two card blind. There are four jokers, Boss, Black, Red and Gold. There is one Null card to give a total of 83 cards. The Nulls card can be very dynamic to the game's outcome and is always the unknown partner to the winning Bidder. Any card can be played on a Null lead but the highest card played takes the trick, trumps non-withstanding. Nulls can be played even if you have other cards of a suit. When spades are led you may play the null card. With the null being the unknown partner, this sets up a two against three competition. No other spade game offers challenges this exciting. At the start only the player with the Null would know who are the teams. Even the bidder, at this time, can not know who is the partner. Other players only know they are against the "bidder and some other player at the table" until the Null plays.
The bidder may wish to confuse everyone and go alone by having the Null held within his/hers own hand. Or Bidder may find the Null as one of the cards in the two card blind. Then it would be one against all four but none of the other players know. The teams of players change with every deal.
Bidding; Spades are always trump but bidding is number of tricks to be taken bids may be made to present honest or dishonest signals but highest bid will have the Null as the partner. Each player bids the amount of tricks they expect to take, based on their cards and what help they might get from a partner. All players have a chance to bid and re-bid until no one bids higher. Once a player has passed, they are out of the bidding. Bidding may go around more than once and, for example, the bidder who started out as "two" may later bid "five". Bids must go up numerically by at least one. Winning Bidder gets the three card blind and discards three cards.
Most people like to play without having to keep score. To do so, each player starts with an equal amount of tokens or chips. In a five player game each player tosses in a single chip before the bidding. As soon as the Bidder's bid is made that hand is over and a new deal begins. After the hand is played, if the bid was made the bidder gets three tokens and the Null partner gets two. If the bid is not made, the bidder puts in one more token and all three players of the winning team get two tokens each. The bidder's partner does not collect or have to pay more. When one player runs out of chips the game is over. Nil bids are not utilized when chips are used. For Nil bidding and play see the following variations.
Other Scoring Variations; Tricks are counted each hand. Team points are awarded but individual scores are kept because the teams change each hand . On rare occasions it will be one player competing against all others because the Bidder has the Null. 1. When a player goes "alone," taking as many tricks as the bid called for, he/she receives 20 points for each trick bid. If the bid is not made, bidder loses 100 points and 100 points are awarded to all three rival players. Tricks taken over the amount needed to make bid are worth 1 point each. 2. The two player Bidder's team, taking as many tricks as declared, receives 10 points each per trick taken. Tricks taken over the amount needed to make bid are worth 1 point each. If the bid is not made, both players lose 10 points per total bid. 3. All three of the non-bid team players get 5 points for all team tricks taken. 4. A Nil bid can be made indicating you will take no tricks. If made, it's plus 100 points, if not, minus 100 to only to the Nil bidder. If the Nil bidder turns out to be the Null partner, team points for the Nil bidder can be awarded or lost.
Should the bidder and more players reach or exceed 400 points in the last hand, the bidder is the automatic winner as in bidder goes out by counting first. Strategy, you may bid strictly to run up the bid, or bid just to deceive or confuse. Can you interpret the teams and play correctly? Who’s against who? Who’s with who? How can you beat everyone else to win the game? Winner; The first player to reach or exceed 400 points wins the game. | Toss Classic Jokers | TOSS Advertisement Fund Raisers: Toss cards can be used to raise funds for Churches, groups and clubs. Minimum quantities for special discount is 100 double decks. With quantities of 2000 the deck can be customized to show your organization on the back. Different suits like bugs, animal and sports themes can be used with custom or children’s decks. Weddings: Place your loving couple on the back, or in the King and Queen of Hearts face cards. Business firms: You can order custom decks to have an advertising program that is paid for once but is used for months if not years. Distributors: We may need individual distributors in your area. Limited licenses available. Sell in quantity to business, clubs and convenience stores in your area. Make huge $$$. WEB Master & Game Programmer(s): Maybe you have what it takes, but no credentials. We are willing to look at your work based on the work itself. Work from home yet become part of a growing enterprise. Contact: or buy your first deck for only $11.99. Shipping is Free for a limited time. | | | We are also looking for a software game programmer to help our Senior Programmer build 5-players, interactive, TossCard games. Absolutely the most challenging deck of cards! Play TossSpades, TossPyramids, TossCanasta, TossEuchre, TossDulingSolitaire, TossRummy, TossTexas Hold'em, TossBlackjack, and yes, for you ultra combative folks, we offer Go Fish!