Just deal the cards, you know the basics!
Toss Rummy(ŠTM) is a very new, exciting and innovative card game. It plays similar to Rummy but it is packed with much more action and strategy. Buy now and save the expense of shipping. Each Set of Toss Double Deluxe card decks are only $11.99. All USA shipping is free. Don't lose your chance to get this limited edition, first run printing.
Toss Rummy is not for Dummies!
Number of Players Two to six people can play. Each person may play individually or players are divided up into equal teams. Teams may consist of two or three players. Three teams of two can compete with only one deck of cards. More players and or teams may play by adding whole decks of Toss Double Deluxe cards.
The Toss Double Deluxe Pack Including the 5 Jokers and null cards, there are 111 cards in one deck with eight suits of four colors. No suit is of higher value or power than any other. Eight suits, in respective colors are: Club Spade Heart Diamond Cross Oracle Castle Shield
Card suits: Thirteen (13) A , K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 & 2. Jokers: Five (5) Boss Joker, Black Joker, Red Joker, Gold Joker and Blue Joker. The Boss Joker may be used as a wild card for any suit. All Jokers may be used as described in the "Object of the Game" and in "The DoubleCross" as mentioned in the later portion of these rules.
The Start The players draw or cut for deal and the player with the highest card dealing first. The rank of the cards for this are Boss Joker, Joker(s), A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, & 2. The Shuffle and Cut Only the dealer shuffles. The player to the dealer's right may request to cut the cards at any time before the deal is finished.
The Deal The dealer gives one card at a time, clockwise, face down, beginning with the player on their left. When two people play, each person gets 10 cards. When three, four, five, six or more people play, each receives seven cards. The remaining cards are placed face down in the center of the table, thus becoming the draw deck. The top card of the deck is turned face up and becomes the upcard. It is placed next to the draw deck as the start of the discard pile.
When two people play, the loser of the last hand deals the next. When more than two play, the deal passes to next the player on the left.
Object of the Game Each player tries to group matched sets consisting of three or more of a kind, or sequences of three or more cards of the same suit. This is called melding. Three Kings of different suits could be melded, as a set, in any order as long as one King is distinctly shown as the top card of that meld. Also, with a three card sequence such as 8, 9, 10 either the 8 or the 10 could be the top card but not the 9. It is up to you to chose how you will lay your set down.
Once a set is placed in order and you have discarded you may not switch them or add any other meld. Jokers can be used as meld in the following ways. Any Joker can be used as in a set of three or more of a kind, i.e. K, Joker, K. equals three Kings. However, when used in sequences the Joker must be of the same color as the suit. Three or four Jokers can be melded as a set.
Null cards can not be used as meld.
The Draw Each player in turn, beginning with the player to the left of the dealer, either draws the top two cards of the draw deck or takes the top card of the discard pile and adds it to their hand. The player may also elect to go two or more cards deep into the pile. If so, the player must place the bottom card off to the side and use it within a meld combining it with two or more cards from the player's hand. Once the bottom card has been used, the upper portion of the pile will be placed in the hand or used as additional meld.
The Play After the draw, the player may lay down on the board, face up, any meld. If the player does not wish to lay down a meld, one card is discarded, face up, onto the discard pile. If the player has drawn a card from the discard pile, it may not be discarded on that same turn. A player may discard a null card. Discarding a card to the pile ends that player's turn and no other changes or meld is allowed. The Toss To Toss you must have the same color Joker as the card(s) you wish to capture. After any other player has melded cards to the board, any player in turn may draw from the deck or pile. After this draw but before discarding you may ask for a Toss from any other player's meld. To Toss you announce what you are doing and identify the player's card you desire. You have your choice of any other players top melded card. One could even select a team mate's hand to Toss a card. You then must immediately use the captured Toss card with at least two other cards from your hand. A Joker held in your hand may be one of the two cards used as a wild card. If the player asked the opponent for the top 10 of diamonds from a 10, 9, 8 sequence meld, it is entirely legal to use the Red Joker with a 10 of clubs and a 10of spades as a three of a kind meld. If a player chooses to place any Joker as the top melded card in a sequence or run it could also be demanded as a Toss to be matched with other two Jokers. Any card exposed as the "top card" through a previous Toss may be tossed at a later turn.
After the player is finished melding one card is discarded into the pile. The "next player's turn" reverts back to the player that was just tossed and had to give up a board card. This is true regardless of which position either player holds at the table.
The DoubleCross Having just had a card taken away by a Joker Toss, this player may now be able to enact a DoubleCross if holding the Boss Joker, which is the top wild card. To DoubleCross you announce what you are doing, lay down the Boss Joker, then have the player that took your Crossed card give you all the cards that were melded during the previous play. Remember the Boss Joker allows you to DoubleCross anyone that just had you Toss them a card. If you do not have the Boss Joker you must draw two cards from the deck or take from the pile as with a normal turn. Should one of the two cards drawn from the deck be any Joker needed to Toss or DoubleCross the last play, it must be played before you discard to end your turn.
After the player is finished melding one card is discarded into the pile. The "next player's turn" reverts back to the player that was just DoubleCrossed and had to give up board cards. This is true regardless of which position either player holds at the table.
Melding to a matched set or sequence A player in turn may meld one or more cards that match any set or sequence already shown on the board. Thus, if three Deuces are showing, a fourth Deuce could be melded as a single card. If the 10, 9, 8 of any one suit are showing, then a Jack, or a 7 of the same suit could be placed down as meld. Also a same colored Joker played as a Jack and Queen or a 7 and a 6 could be melded as the same suit as the 10, 9, 8. To identify the position value and suit of a joker melded against someone else's cards, Jokers can only be melded in combination with at least one other card.
Null cards can not be used as meld.
The Steal This comes into play if anyone places to the discard pile a card that can play anywhere on the board. The first person to say "Steal" and place their hand over the card gets to meld it immediately. In case of a tie in speaking "steal" the first one with their hand over the card gets it . When Stealing no discarding is required after the Steal. Stealing does not affect the next players turn in anyway.
Turn the Pile If the last card of the draw deck has been drawn and no player has gone out, the next player in turn may either take the top of the discard pile, or may turn the discard pile over to form a new draw deck (without shuffling it) and draw the top card. Play then proceeds as normal. The Hand is Over The hand is over when one player plays all remaining cards held in hand. If all remaining cards are matched, the player may lay them down without discarding on the last turn. This ends the hand and there is no further play until the next hand is dealt. Who wins the hand is not important as it is the ongoing point totals that determines who or which team wins the Game.
Scoring After each hand is over, each player or team must verify their score with the official total. Point values are as follows: Boss Joker=50, Jokers=40, Aces=20, Kings=10, Queens=10, Jacks=10, 10s =10 All other numbered cards=5.
Any cards melded to the board are tallied up and counted in favor of that player or team. Cards remaining in hand, whether the cards form matched sets or not, have negative value. All negative values are subtracted from your score. Exception: In team play when one member goes out no negatives are counted from any other member of the same team. The point totals of each hand are tallied and recorded by the official score keeper whether they are positive or negative scores.
The Game The game goal is 1010 points. 1010 points equals the total number of points possible if all cards were melded at their face values.
Wild Scoring Option Some gamesters like to score meld as it plays and also at the end of each segment of the game. With tossing and DoubleCrossing the scoring can be wild. One could lay down meld, score it and lose some of it, yet get more back by DoubleCrossing. In that instance there would have been three scoring change in that one little flurry.
Other Options Remember, you can make up your own rules. If you like, send them to "TossRules@USA.com" and we will see if other people like your rule version. This is true for any card game you play.
Strategy Thoughts TOSS can be has complex or as simple as you like. The "how, why and wherefores" of playing, melding, holding, Tossing and DoubleCrossing can be debated for many a pleasant evening with no single definitive strategy forthcoming.
The basics would be: Look the board over prior to laying down your meld as you might gain some insight. Don't be as quick to play off a single card just for the points when if you are patient and draw another card that coordinates you can Toss one of your opponents cards to your hand.
When you meld try to have the top card of each meld match a Joker you hold. This prevents you from being tossed unless an opponent has the Boss Joker. In team play, think of how you might Toss and DoubleCross your team member(s) to keep your opponents from having as many turns and draws as your team. Should you play a card on an opponent's meld for the value of a single card? Or should you keep it in case you get a card combination to Toss and take away an opponent's card. Should you meld a Joker as a wild card in a sequence or set of three or save the Joker for later?
End of regular rules.
Complex Toss Rummy (ŠTM) The game you almost know how to play already!
Complex Toss Rummy Rules The rules and scoring of Complex Toss Rummy vary slightly. With Complex Toss Rummy you are provided a scoring board. This board has three rows of peg holes representing the values of "Ones", "Tens" and "Hundreds". Pegs are coordinated in the colors of the six suites. Each player or teams pick a board for scoring. Points are scored both as they are melded and then for the final tally at the end of each hand. Points are also scored during Toss & DoubleCross plays.
Point values are as follows; Boss Joker =50, Jokers=40, Aces=20, Kings=10, Queens=10, Jacks=10, Tens =10s and all numbered card points equal their number. For example, four Sevens melded would now equal 28 points when played and 28 points when tallied at the end of the hand.
In Complex Toss Rummy you may Toss and DoubleCross any Joker with any other Joker. You may DoubleCross in turn with as may Jokers as you have. This then allows you to take back all cards played back to the Toss.
Unlike conventional Toss Rummy, the winner of the game in Complex Toss Rummy could be the player or the team that "pegs out" during the play as opposed to tallying up the melded score at the end of each hand. The Game goes to 1000 points. If no one pegs out during the play, then all player's cards are totaled and highest score wins. The Authors and inventors of this game would like to think you for trying it out. All of your comments, positive or negative, will be reviewed for the betterment of the game.
Many Thanks, Contact: Toss@USA.com Buy now and save the expense of shipping. Each Set of Toss Double Deluxe card decks are only $11.99. Don't lose your chance to get this limited edition, first run printing.
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Could you use some more cash?
Fund Raisers: Toss cards can be used to raise funds for Churches, groups and clubs. Minimum quantities for special discount is 100 double decks. With quantities of 2000 the deck can be customized to show your organization on the back. Different suits like bugs, animal and sports themes can be used with custom or children’s decks.
Weddings: Place your loving couple on the back, or in the King and Queen of Hearts face cards.
Business firms: You can order custom decks to have an advertising program that is paid for once but is used for months if not years. Distributors: We may need individual distributors in your area. Limited licenses available. Sell in quantity to business, clubs and convenience stores in your area. Make huge $$$. Contact: TossCards@fast-email.com