Toss Colors Toss Colors is a totally different card game that you can easily learn quickly. Suits do not mater only the colors of the suits. Cards are played according to color, not suits. Partners change every hand but scores are individual. Toss Colors is based on the exclusive Toss Double Deck which contains eight suits, two of each color. Clubs and spades are black, hearts and diamonds are red, crosses and oracles (angels) are gold, castles and shields are blue. Cards in suit (13); A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, & 2. Jokers are the Boss Joker and four regular Jokers; black, gold, red, and blue. The Boss Joker is the highest card of all. The other Jokers play only on their color. Also there is a “Null” card which has no inherent value but can be played at any time.
Three to five people may play. First, decide how many players there will be, then just add or subtract suits and cards as you choose. Here are sample rules for four players. Use the black, red and gold suits with their Jokers. Keep the Boss Joker and one Null card. Remove all of the Deuces and Threes. 17 cards are dealt to each player. During the deal randomly place three cards in the “Blind.” Bids are based on the number of tricks you think you and an unknown partner can take. Players bid in turn or pass. Each bid must be greater than the last except a “Nil” bid which means that play intends to not take any trick. If a player passes they are out of the bidding. Players continue to bid until all but one player passes. Once a player passes they are not responsible for any previous bid. Object of the game; each player tries to win the bid in order to name trump and score higher value points. The successful Bidder picks up the Blind, discards equal numbers of cards back to the Blind, then names a Trump Color (not the suit). Bidder leads out any card to start the play.
Remember cards are played according to color not suits. First highest card played takes that trick unless trumped. You must play a card of the color led unless you do not have that color, then you may trump or play an off color. The player holding the Null card is automatically the partner. The Bidder doesn’t know who the partner is at this time. Until the Null card plays, players (except the Null card holder) are not sure who their partners are." Scoring; Tricks are counted each hand. Individual scores are kept because each hand consists of different teams. Team points are gained or lost equally. Ø The Bidder’s Team, taking as many tricks as declared, receives 10 points per Bid Trick and 5 points each for the other tricks. If the bid is not made, the Biding Team loses 10 points per Bid Trick. The team of players that did not win the bid gets 5 points for each trick taken. Ø If a Nil Bid is successful, the Nil Bid Team receives 150 points. If a Nil Bid fails, the Nil Team loses 150 points but keep their cumulative trick points. Ø On rare occasion, when holding the Nil card, a player may win the Bid and go alone. When a player goes alone and makes bid he/she receives 20 points for each Bid Trick and 5 points each for the other tricks. If the bid is not made, 100 points are awarded to all rival players and the Bidder loses 150 points. Winner; The first player to reach or exceeding 500 points wins the game. Should multiple players exceed 500 points, the highest total wins the game.
Some people may like to play without having to keep score. To do so, give each player an equal amount of chips. Each player tosses in three chips before dealing the hand. After bidding and all play, if the bid was made the Bidder’ Team share the chips equally (or the Bidder can get 2/3 of the chips and Bid Partner gets 1/3). If the bid is not made the “Pot” remains for the next hand. Nil Bids are not allowed in the “Chip Game.” The game is over when one player is out of chips or at a set time.
Strategy Thoughts; Strategy begins with the bidding. You may bid strictly to run up the bid, or bid just to deceive or confuse. Who’s against whom? Who’s with whom? How can you out score everyone to win the game? With the Toss deck "You Make the Rules!" COPYRIGHT 4.18.2012/DDK/ALL RIGHTS RESERVED